Monday, October 18, 2010

The Power Of Media

        In today’s world, 90% of what you say, doesn’t come from your mouth. You may ask yourself how this works. Think about it, when you see someone/something you immediately think something about that someone/something. That’s what I’m talking about.
        Ask yourself this, could Abe Lincoln be elected today if he were around? The chances are very slim. The difference between modern day presidents and presidents from back then are tremendous. Now days Abe Lincoln would look like someone from a horror movie on television, sad to say it but he would.
        Television has changed presidential elections. People are not able to just hear the people running for office, but see them talk and react live. People make decisions on what they see now days as to what they hear. Example could be Nixon and Kennedy on the first broadcast on TV of a presidential debate, on TV it looked like Kennedy won, but yet on the radio it sounded like Nixon won. So you can think of how seeing them makes a tremendous influence.

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